I’m an American, and proud to be one. Instilled in me from an early age was the typical American work ethic, you know, “if you don’t at first succeed, try, try again.” Growing up, I was always encouraged to try harder, study more, make fewer mistakes. While a noble pursuit, I’m naturally hard on myself and always working to “out-do” what I previously accomplished. This often caused me to feel as though I would never be good enough, and was never satisfied with a job well done.
That’s when despair and discouragement often creeps in . . . when I’m focused on what “I’m” able to do in and of myself, and not relying on God to lead, guide, and strengthen me along the way. When I’m trying to do my best in my own strength and energy, I will always fall short, always run out of steam, and never be good enough. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
But when I realize my true identity in Christ and that I was made to glorify Him in all I do, the task at hand seems manageable and I’m able to accomplish something and be satisfied with who I am.
I must avoid putting trust in myself (solely), and remember to put my trust in God: “Do not put your trust in princes, no in a son of man, in whom there is no help . . . for happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” Psalm 145:3-6
Who I am (in Christ) IS good enough.